Find a Provider

The UnitedHealthcare® Group Medicare Advantage is a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plan, which means you have lots of flexibility in choosing a provider. You can choose from a network of doctors and hospitals nationwide or you can use any doctor or hospital outside the network as long as they participate in Medicare.  Use the resources below to learn more about the in-network providers in your area.

Provider Directories

Search UnitedHealthcare’s network of providers

Search’s list of providers

Search for Behavioral health providers

Medical Provider Search

NOTE: Research providers in the UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO) plan:

  1. Search UnitedHealthcare’s network of providers
  2. Enter your ZIP code to find a plan
  3. Select "UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO)"
  4. Search by the following criteria:
  • People (doctors and other professionals by specialty)
  • Places (hospitals, clinics, labs, imaging centers)
  • Test and Imaging (lab tests, screenings, X-rays, scans)
  • Services and Treatments (office visits, tests, treatments, surgeries)
  • Care by condition (find care for common concerns)

Dental Provider Search

  1. Go to dental provider search
  2. Under Select a Network, choose “National Medicare Advantage Network”
  3. Search for Dentist by either Location, Dentist Name or Practice Name

Vision Provider Search

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your ZIP code in the right hand panel


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